Use "perturbation|perturbations" in a sentence

1. With Anharmonic perturbation ( )

2. Asymptotic Perturbation Theory. Higher - Order Effects.

3. Because of the perturbation, Mars experiences some torque.

4. They are continuously changing due to solar and planetary perturbations.

5. An improved algorithm for zeroth order perturbation solution is presented.

6. This message caused perturbation in the Middle East Headquarters.

7. We add an Anharmonic perturbation to the Harmonic Oscillator problem

8. Convergence rate of moments for stochastic perturbation gradient approximation.

9. Inserting yields algebraic equations arranged in the order of perturbation.

10. Hygiea is used by the Minor Planet Center to calculate perturbations.

11. The validity of the amplification factor for small perturbations was also examined.

12. Thus, the radius of convergence of the perturbation series is increased.

13. Small perturbations of our center of gravity are Counteracted by our ankle strategy.

14. Any area not subject to major acoustic perturbations may be used as a test site.

15. The equations defining the zero - order perturbation simply govern the static solution.

16. Perturbations of the force field will cause changes, or variations, of the displacement field.

17. Above absolute zero, thermal motions will introduce random perturbations to the chromophores local environment.

18. Similarly, major trends could be lost because of focusing on minor perturbations, or vice versa.

19. Antonyms for Collectedness include agitation, discomposure, perturbation, anxiety, worry, disquiet, unease, uneasiness, fear and apprehension

20. Other systems study the influence of perturbation frequency and motion amplitude on postural coordination practices.

21. Special attention is given to the problem of convergency of the perturbation series.

22. The method is quite general and can be applied to other singular perturbation problems.

23. The Boundary conditions given in a linear perturbation step will not affect subsequent steps.

24. In the strong field case the inter-electronic effects are treated as a perturbation.

25. But Atkins's introduction and chapters on operators, perturbation theory and group theory are enjoyable.

26. I am also happy to say that the perturbation maneuver has been successfully completed.

27. Boron Chemistry offers many systems in which slight variations lead to drastic geometrical and electronic perturbations

28. 19 Perturbations in the orbit of the planet Uranus led to the discovery of Neptune in 18

29. Although the atmosphere was stable overall, it was sensitive to perturbations which caused it to vacillate easily.

30. Extensive, massive deletion of this kind would necessarily cause major perturbations to cellular function and energetic equilibrium.

31. Antonyms for Coolheadedness include agitation, discomposure, nervousness, perturbation, impatience, arousal, disagreement, disproportion, disturbance and excitability

32. Perturbations in the orbit of the planet Uranus led to the discovery of Neptune in 18

33. Antonyms for Countenance include agitation, discomposure, perturbation, anxiety, worry, disquiet, unease, uneasiness, fear and apprehension

34. The first order convergence uniform in the perturbation parameter is proved in the discreteL1-norm.

35. Anharmonic reflects the fact that the perturbations are oscillations of the system are not exactly harmonic

36. Gravitational perturbations by Venus could have eventually put it onto a collision course with the Earth.

37. Experiments with controlled acoustic perturbations and turbulence complemented the numerical work and were used to validate results.

38. Even a small non-self-adjoint perturbation could produce a point spectrum with extremely rich structure.

39. The optical fiber (16) has perturbations (17) in the effective index of a mode guided by the same.

40. Antonyms for Aplombs include discomposures, agitations, diffidences, gauchenesses, insecurities, perturbations, self-distrust, self-doubts, awkwardnesses and chagrins

41. Despite channel (or carrier) specificity, it appears that all three ionic permeabilities are altered during the perturbations.

42. Project work has involved experiments to investigate the receptivity of 3D boundary layer flows to external vortical perturbations.

43. Perturbation theory allows a simple account for electronic correlation, when a universal function of interelectronic distance is introduced.

44. A modular, user-friendly, software-interface is also included to describe the velocity, amplitude and shape parameters of perturbations.

45. The perturbation expansion is carried out in terms of dimensionless amplitude ɛ of the base temperature oscillation.

46. Action-angle coordinates are also useful in perturbation theory of Hamiltonian mechanics, especially in determining adiabatic invariants.

47. Thirdly, a dual-mode dual-band bandpass filter with rectangular-loop perturbation and stacked structure is presented.

48. Psyche is massive enough that its gravitational perturbations on other asteroids can be observed, which enables a mass measurement.

49. An argument by Freeman Dyson shows that the radius of convergence of the perturbation series in QED is zero.

50. This nonlinear partial differential equation is resolved by perturbation theory for the particular case of a homogeneous system.

51. With many-body perturbation theory, 1D–3D term intervals of helium 1snd (n = 12 ∼ 20) configurations are calculated.

52. The orbit variation in one day under the nonspherical perturbation is shown and the motion of the orbit...

53. Like thermostats, they constantly adjust such things as neurotransmitter release and receptor sensitivity to compensate for perturbations from the environment.

54. These Corruptions are not meant to be used as training data augmentation but rather to test the networks against unseen perturbations

55. The degeneracy in a quantum mechanical system may be removed if the underlying symmetry is broken by an external perturbation.

56. The frequency stability, amplitude stability and harmonic content can be deduced from the second order perturbation solution of that equation.

57. Based on no-preemptive priority queuing network model and infinitesimal perturbation analysis schemes, new dynamic scheduling algorithm is presented.

58. By using the nonlinear programming theory, a optimal impulse satellite evasive trajectory planning model considering earth oblateness perturbation had been established.

59. The amplitude and phase fluctuations on the waves due to the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field are obtained using a perturbation method.

60. For a class of two-grid method we prove uniform convergence for allh (mesh size parameter) and ε (perturbation parameter).

61. Numerical results to three problems with known perturbation solutions are given and demonstrate the accuracy and stability of the method.

62. An Adversarial example is an instance with small, intentional feature perturbations that cause a machine learning model to make a false prediction

63. With an appropriate choice of perturbation (i.e. an oscillating electric potential), this allows one to calculate the AC permittivity of the gas.

64. The non self-adjoint differential equation and boundary conditions are considered to have random field coefficients. The standard perturbation method is employed.

65. A class of nonlinear singularly perturbed elliptical problems with boundary perturbation are considered. The uniform valid of the constructed asymptotic expansion is proved.

66. Lyapunov function Perturbation theory LaSalle's invariance principle Lyapunov, A. M. The General Problem of the Stability of Motion (In Russian), Doctoral dissertation, Univ.

67. The asymptotic stability of the rarefaction wave has been established for the impermeable wall problem under small perturbation conditions and non-isothermal conditions.

68. The idea of this approach is that transition occurs when the amplitude of the perturbations has been amplified by a factor equal to eN.

69. The transient response of the system due to perturbations by wire boom extension/retraction is derived analytically by means of the Laplace transform method.

70. 26 Simulated annealing uses random perturbations to shake the parameter values out of a local optimum so that globally optimal values may be found.

71. Polyacetylene (PA) is a symmetric chain of conjugated macromolecule, whose chain symmetry can, however, be broken by external and internal perturbations, generating helically chiral polymers.

72. In astronomy he undertook measurements of variable stars , using photography. He also worked on improving optical systems, devising a perturbation equation to investigate geometrical aberrations.

73. Chalkboard perturbation experiments graphically display the consequences of molecular activities and pathway links as a tool to identify downstream effects and inconsistencies with current knowledge

74. These negative carbon isotope excursions have been variably interpreted to record primary seawater values and massive carbon cycle perturbations, diagenetic alteration, or porewater Authigenic carbonate formation.

75. The effect of a strong perturbation, recorded by the terrestrial magnetic observatories on March 15, 1948, on the F2-layer of the ionosphere is investigated.

76. To solve this problem, a new algorithm namely many-to-one matching decision algorithm based on correction of perturbation for matching measure matrix is proposed.

77. These rescued embryos contained full tripartite Archenterons and normal skeletons, indicating that the perturbations caused by FzTM1 overexpression resulted specifically from the loss of Fz5/8 signaling

78. The signal processor eliminates at least one term which includes a perturbation function based, at least in part, upon the signal propagation properties of the abnormality.

79. Boundary conditions given within the model definition are always regarded as part of the base state, even if the first analysis step is a linear perturbation step

80. The TIDALSENSE LRU sensor array excites and detects LRU signals along with propagating acoustic elastic waves from external perturbation, making it particularly flexible in terms of potential applications.